Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mad Maniac Monday again

I really don't know what it is about Mondays that make me so emtional. There has been tears (mine), temper tantrums (also mine) and lots more! I'm feeling better now after a coffee from muffin break and we are heading out to Dampier skate park for a play soon. But first a photo of a card that I made using the fan folding flower tutorial on split coast. Best you go there for a look rather than me bungle my way through the instructions for you. I've used the leftover edge from the scallop edge on this card too. It was really quite simple to do and effective. The photo doesn't do it justice.

Here in Karratha we have a festival called FENACL which stands for the mineral wealth we have in our area ie FE= Iron ore, NA CL etc mind is too blank right now! Anyway its lots of fun with lots of rides and community info. Lots of giveaway too. I got a couple of the new energy reducing light bulbs, water bottles, a really cool fly swap made out of a kids thong (flip flop) which could double as a bottom slapper if they were naughty lol!! Sadly one of the last things I saw last night was a little fella break his arm going down this fun slide. In all the years I've been, its the first time I've seen an injury occur.

My kids loved this ride. They are right on the back here close to the number 10! Can't wait to get scrappin' on these photos but still am making my way through this massive list of unfinished pages and projects that I have in my stash. It is a really good feeling to be working through some of the stuff. Today I finally ordered a replacement mat for my kids trampoline. Can't wait til it gets here. BFN

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