Monday, April 13, 2009


Well what can I say. Its Easter Monday, I finally have a child free day and so does Paul! I've gorged myself on chocolate. There's coronas chilling, lemon ready to go!! I've started a new design for my convention swaps so have really achieved quite a bit.
I am working tomorrow, doing some catch up after the after math of the last stressful month. Next Monday I will be kicking back in Broome at the Palm Grove Hotel with my good mate- Helen and her 3 kids and my 2 kids....Bring it on I say.
Well that's it for me. I should have something to post tomorrow.
Amy comments left between now and Wednesday midnight will go into the draw to win a free stamp set so leave me a message!


DebW said...

Wish I was kickin' back in Broome too.....Perth will have to do.

See you when I get back!

Kellie McCrum said...

Hi there Helen - just letting you know I am reading your blog!! I have a quiet couple of evenings at home by myself as Brett has taken Ella and Aidan up to Cervantes so I am catching up on my web surfing. Love Kellie.